BCCM Submission to the National Commission of Audit

23 January 2014

The BCCM has made a submission to the National Commission of Audit that sets out the case for an expanding public service role for co-operative and mutuals in order to deliver on the cost, accountability and efficiency objectives of the audit pursuant to the following areas of interest:

1. Scope of government

In relation to activities performed by the Commonwealth, where there remains a compelling case for the activity to continue to be undertaken, whether the activity could be undertaken more efficiently by the co-operative and mutual business sector (which is defined as both private and not for loss).

2. Efficiency and effectiveness of government expenditure

The potential role of co-operative and mutual businesses in providing for greater efficiencies in the Australian Government, through:

  • increasing contestability of services;
  • rationalising the service delivery footprint to ensure better, more productive and efficient services for stakeholders;
  • flattening organisational structures and streamlining lines of responsibility and improving accountability;
  • public sector mutuals; and
  • potential improvements to productivity, service quality, and value for money across the public sector, including better delivery of services to the regions.

3. State of the Commonwealth’s finances and medium-term risks to the integrity of the budget position

Namely, the role of co-operatives and mutuals in providing for appropriate incentives to encourage self-provision of services by individuals, over time.

4. Public sector performance and accountability

Specifically by the introduction of user-directed services and public service mutuals that engage service providers and employees in the control and management and provide for localised accountability.

The full submission can be downloaded here: BCCM Submission to the National Commission of Audit, as well as the accompanying case studies and data.

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