BCCM joins global co-operative awareness programme

20 June 2016

A major hurdle the co-operative and mutual sector faces globally is the lack of public awareness of the business model and therefore its economic and social benefits to people and communities. Surveys from various jurisdictions show that although the public may not be aware of the business model, high levels of respondents said they were more than likely to purchase goods/services from co-operatives over other businesses/organisations.

In order to counter this, the BCCM is part of a 10 country pilot to harness the power of video to spread the co-op brand. The initiative is being spearheaded by Cooperatives for a Better World and the International Co-operative Alliance, and involves the customisation of a template video (see above) to be country specific. The BCCM is currently working on an Australian version of the video, with a view to launching the video in late September.

The initiative takes its cue from from the goals of the ICA’s Blueprint for a Cooperative Decade calling for the co-operative form of business by 2020 to become:

  • The acknowledged leader in economic, social and environmental sustainability.
  • The model preferred by people.
  • The fastest growing form of enterprise.

Keep tuned for further updates including release dates! Read The Australia Institute’s, Who knew Australians were so co-operative?, to get an Australian snapshot on awareness of the sector.

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