Boomalli Aboriginal Artists Co-operative case study

12 December 2019 has produced a digital case study on Boomalli Aboriginal Artists Co-operative as part of its co-op stories series. visited the Boomalli Aboriginal Artists Co-operative in June this year. is a project dreamt and developed by Andrea and Sara, a married couple who decided to put together their passions and skills and embark on a thrilling experience of a lifetime: travelling around the world for one year, documenting different sorts of cooperatives on all the continents. was developed in partnership with #coopsforwork and the International Co-operative Alliance (IAC). BCCM provided with contacts for indigenous coops in Australia as part of the global search for case studies.

Boomalli Aboriginal Artists Co-operative’s primary goal is to promote Aboriginal Artists whose language groups exist within the NSW state boundaries. The co-operative supports, promotes, educates and protects copyright for its members. Boomalli strives to improve access for Aboriginal Artists from both regional and metropolitan NSW. Boomalli has a current membership base of 50 Artists. Approximately a third are emerging Artists and over half of its membership consists of regional Artists.

Learn more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) co-operative services.


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