NSW Back Impact Investment Policy

05 February 2015

The NSW Government has become the first Australian government to launch a Social Impact Investment Policy. They have further established an Office of Social Impact Investment.

The NSW Premier, Mike Baird, launched the initiative at Sydney’s Parliament House yesterday, further outlining 10 actions the NSW Government will take to boost the impact investment market.

The NSW Government’s commitments include:

  1. Target delivering two new social impact investment transactions to market per year.
  2. Publish Social Impact Investment Principles.
  3. Publish benchmark cost and outcomes data.
  4. Deliver a Social Impact Investment Statement of Opportunities.
  5. Hold a series of social impact investment roundtables and market sounding sessions.
  6. Aim to establish an Intergovernmental Taskforce on Social Impact Investment.
  7. Promote understanding of the social impact investment market.
  8. Improve government agency readiness for social impact investment.
  9. Facilitate non-government sector preparedness for social impact investment.
  10. Publish a Statement of Success.

The Government also announced the Expert Advice Exchange, which is to be delivered in partnership with Sydney law firms and will provide pro-bono legal advice for Not for Profits and social enterprises that want to participate in social impact investing.

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