ESG Sustainability Project update

21 December 2022

The BCCM’s ESG Sustainability Project in 2022 has been a great success and we would like to thank our member project participants as well as the project team for their outstanding commitment. We look forward to working together to progress this agenda further in future.

As well as Rowan Dowland’s highly informative Community of Practice meetings, we have had many excellent webinars throughout the year, which are listed below in full:

December 2022
Peter Watts presentation: Review session (final session)

November 2022
Peter Watts presentation: Sustainability and ESG data and reporting
Constructing an integrated report for CMEs

October 2022
Peter Watts presentation: CMES as a Force for Sustainability – BCCM Climate Declaration

September 2022
Peter Watts presentation: Bringing your people with you – culture change and employee engagement

August 2022
Peter Watts presentation: Pollution: Why it threatens us and what we can do about it
Assurance over ESG reporting

July 2022
Peter Watts presentation: Natural Capital and biodiversity

June 2022
Peter Watts presentation: Carbon footprinting 101
ESG-compliant financing with Jo Dodd, King & Wood Mallesons

May 2022
Mutual business purpose – Cliff Mills, Mutuo
Peter Watts presentation: The Circular Economy and towards a zero-waste world

April 2022
Mutual Value Measurement Framework©
Peter Watts presentation: Meaningful environmental claims and communications

March 2022
Peter Watts presentation: Effective environmental sustainability strategy
King & Wood Mallesons presentation: Social and Governance Reporting

February 2021
Peter Watts presentation: Pathways to Net Zero

December 2021
Peter Watts presentation: Environmental sustainability in 2021

November 2021
Michael Bray presentation: The context of ESG and the importance of corporate sustainability reporting

Members of the ESG Project Group can view these on the BCCM Member website’s secure ESG Partner Project Group. Please email [email protected] for more information.

Throughout the project, the BCCM produced regular Flipboard collections with some of the month’s best articles.

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