Today is #BankingonValues Day!

22 October 2015

Founded in 2009, the Global Alliance for Banking on Values (GABV) is an independent network of banks and banking cooperatives with a shared mission to use finance to deliver sustainable economic, social and environmental development. This network of banks, credit unions, microfinance and community banks shares a charter to use finance to find global solutions to international problems—and to promote a positive, viable alternative to the current financial system.

In order to promote this type of banking, the GABV have organised an annual #BankingOnValues Day – which is today! The public initiative, in its second year, invites all Global Alliance for Banking on Values (GABV) members, partners, customers, and interested, passionate, policy makers, regulators and public, to get involved in celebrating the growing, global values-based banking movement. #BankingOnValues is creating positive change in the world’s banking system, and driving positive economic, social and environmental impact by influencing how banks and banking cooperatives serve human needs and the real economy.

In Australia, there are a large number of co-operative and mutual banks who share the ethos of this day. Make sure you get involved!

Source: The Global Alliance for Banking on Values

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