For media

The BCCM is the peak body for co-operatives and mutuals in Australia. We unite member-owned businesses operating in all industries to increase awareness and recognition of co-ops and mutuals and the important contribution they make to the economy and community.

For all media enquiries about the Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals and the co-operative and mutual sector in Australia, or for comment from our CEO Melina Morrison, please contact Sue Frost on 0409 718 572 or Adrian Thirsk on 0410 287 609, and email [email protected].

Get a snapshot of the co-operative and mutual sector in Australia and globally – download the 2024 NME Factsheet.

About the CEO

Melina Morrison

CEO of Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals

Melina Morrison has been a driving force for change in Australia’s co-operative and mutual sector for 25 years.

She is the founder CEO of the country’s first cross-sector body for member-owned enterprises, the Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals (BCCM).

Under Melina’s leadership, the BCCM has achieved fundamental reforms to level the playing field for member-owned firms.

She commissioned the first study in Australia’s co-operative and mutual sector, the annual National Mutual Economy report, driving meaningful change and creating the first evidence base to advocate for better support.

Significantly, Melina was at the forefront in advocating and developing amendments to the Corporations Act, opening new opportunities for co-operative and mutual businesses to grow whilst safeguarding mutuality for future generations.

Melina continues to advocate for ethical business models that put the consumer first in sectors ranging from finance to aged care.

BCCM in the media


Co-ops ease cost of living in regional areas (1:00:39 to 1:30:00), ABC Radio, , 11 July 2024

This alternative to supermarkets can help you save on groceries, but most people don’t know it exists, by business reporter Samuel Yang, The Business, ABC news (watch online)

The big idea to take away from the UK election, ausbiz today, 8 July 2024

Melina Morrison’s interview with Rachel Pupazzoni (from 9.10 mins), ABC’sThe Business on Monday, 23 June 2024

Yvonne doesn’t own her home. This housing alternative means she never worries about rent, on SBS News, 25 June 2024

Government has urged the private sector, in particular tourism and export sectors, to include co-operatives in its value chains, The Fiji Times, 19 June 2024

Gray pays $115 a week in rent. But there’s a catch, on Sydney Morning Herald, 15 June 2024

“Express your interest!”: The Bunya Fund, growing the next generation of co-operatives, on the Bank Australia website, 23 May 2024

Unlocking the ‘Missing Middle’: Lessons from Europe’s housing co-ops, in Co-operative News, 31 May 2024

The impact of Fonterra’s asset sales on Australian Dairy Farmers and local workers, with Tony Briscoe on ABC Radio’s Tasmanian Country Hour, 23 May 2024

BCCM says Fonterra sale another blow for Australian dairy farmers, Scoop NZ, 17 May 2024

More funding necessary to fix housing crisis, FS Sustainability, 20 May 2024

Co-operative sector welcomes budget measures to boost social housing, Australian Property Markets News, 15 May 2024

Budget not investing enough in homelessness prevention, Australian Property Journal, 15 May 2024

Podcast: Benefits of Housing Co-ops with Linda Seaborn, 4 April 2024

Newcastle Building Society turns its focus to community and regional development, Co-operative News, 2 April 2024

‘Time is right’ for government-backed RMBS: Greg Medcraft, in Mortgage Business, 28 March 2024

Australia’s Bunya Fund for co-op development opens for new applications, Co-operative News, 19 March 2024

‘I’m home’: how co-operative housing could take pressure off Australia’s housing crisis, The Conversation, 15 March 2024

Community housing sector can play greater role to ease crisis, in the Australian Property Journal, 18 February 2024

Guest blog: Measuring our mutual value, on The Building Societies Association (BSA) website (5 February 2024)

The missing middle that could help fix the housing crisis, in the Sydney Morning Herald, 5 January 2024 (paywall).



Worker-owned care firms could bring services to rural and remote areas, The Australian, 6 August 2023

ABC Riverina interview: How the co-operative model empowers communities to fight back, 3 August 2023

Overcoming the capital conundrum, ICMIF, 6 July 2023

Calls rise for expansion of co-operative housing in Australia, Sky News, 1 July 2023

ABC’s Western Australia Country Hour (from 4:35 min): WA co-ops and mutuals, CBH and the NME on ABC Radio, 26 June

North Coast farming co-ops tally up monstrous flood cost, Daily Telegraph, 13 June 2023

Offshoring of Australia’s food processing must be reversed: BCCM, Australian Rural & Regional News, 8 June 2023

Time to revive co-ops, The Weekly Times, 24 May 2023

The sector that wants to sandbag itself from private equity, Australian Financial Review, 29 May 2023

European launch for BCCM’s new tool to measure value of co-op businesses, Co-op News, 25 May 2023

BCCM launches the Mutual Value Measurement framework in Europe, ICMIF, 25 May 2023

A delicate balancing act between people and business, ausbiz, 10 May 2023.

Half of Australia’s GDP: Why the budget should focus on SME growth, SmartCompany, 8 May 2023

Mutual benefits: in the rush to DMFs, core principles must not be forgotten, Insurance News, 24 April 2023

Letters: Financial Review, 19 April 2023

Why acquisition of milk processors raises concerns for food security: Melina Morrison’s insights, ABC Radio’s Warwick Long (WL) on Country Hour, 10 April 2023 (Listen to recorded interview on ABC Tasmania: 01:39 – 07.51)

BCCM chief gives evidence to Australian Senate on value of co-op sector, Co-operative News, 23 February 2023

Riverland and South East SA Rural Report, 7 February 2023

Annual Q&A with BCCM CEO Melina Morrison, Co-operative News, 11 January 2023


Forbes Australia: Manufacturing’s missing middle: solving the riddle

Insurance News: Conduct code for mutuals launched as ‘traditional’ premiums rise

NSW Country Hour, ABC: Gas price cap a just-in-time measure

Australian Financial Review: Beware the trade-offs a gas price cap brings

ABC Radio Country Breakfast: Interview with Enrique de los Rios and the BCCM

Co-operative News: Australian co-op apex BCCM calls for fresh action on climate change

Various: Heritage-People’s Choice merger is a milestone for banking industry competition

ABC Mid North Coast: About the need for the “Government to think about what is required to retain 170 jobs and vital dairy capacity in the Northern Rivers region in NSW, and indeed, in Australia”

ABC RN Breakfast: Are co-operatives and mutuals one answer to Australia’s weak wages growth?

ABC News: Are cooperatives and mutuals one answer to Australia’s weak wages growth?

Co-operative News: Australian co-op apex launches country’s first development fund for the sector In the room at the Advanced Manufacturing skills forum

Southern Riverina News: State unprepared for NSW floods: inquiry

Pro Bono Australia: Making co-ops visible

The Courier: Farmers join forces in environmental push

Soundcloud: Co-ops bounce back from pandemic woes and lows

The Australian: Mutuals and co-ops resilient in challenging economic times

The Australian: Time is right for co-operatives with ESG in focus, says Melina Morrison

Sydney Morning Herald: Manufacturers warn thousands of jobs at risk unless gas held back from export

The Australian: Migration a fix for labour shortage: CEOs

Countryman: Agriculture industry ‘ready to work with Labor’ as leaders label biosecurity and skills shortage key issues

ABC North Coast radio: How co-operative labour pools and co-operative housing can help address the growing worker shortage and housing crisis in the Northern Rivers (from 2:03:38)

Onimpact: The impact of investing in co-ops and mutuals

auzbiz: How to reinvigorate regional Australia

ABC Life Matters: Whose job is it to buffer communities from natural disasters? (16’05 to 19’58)

Co-op News: Australian co-op sector responds to catastrophic Queensland and NSW floods

Peter Ryan OAM Interview: Economic management a recurring theme as Treasurer fine-tunes pandemic budget

7 News: ‘Missing middle’ of economy wants support

Find out more

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About co-operatives and mutuals

Co-ops and mutuals are businesses formed to benefit their members, drawn from the stakeholders of the business such as customers, suppliers, employees or people in the local community.
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Co-ops and mutuals in Australia

Co-ops and mutuals operate across much of the Australian economy. They deliver trusted products and services in some of the most competitive domestic and international markets.
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Search for reports, toolkits, videos, templates and manuals to learn about, set up, and run a co-operative or mutual business.